What did Sandra Fluke do to deserve "The Great One's" wrath?
She testified that 'the pill' is, in fact, doctor prescribed medicine used for many reasons besides preventing a pregnancy.
For this horrible offence, Sandra Fluke was denounced by Limbaugh to his GLOBAL AUDIENCE as both a "slut" and a "prostitute."
They heard Limbaugh's tirade in Tajikistan, and Antarctica, as well as in Freeport, and Sandra Fluke's reputation is now shattered from one end of the planet to the other, as a consequence.
Limbaugh didn't make a "mistake" in his choice of words. Limbaugh intentionally maligned and sought to personally damage Sandra Fluke's reputation 50 times over the course of three days, and mischaracterized her testimony the entire time.
This irresponsible use of the airwaves reflects not only the continuing partisan divide, but also how far the radical right will go to smear their American neighbors and "muddy the waters" of what used to be called public discourse under the ruse of "free speech."
For this, Rush has finally worn out his welcome, and has to go.
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