Four days before the Supreme Court hears oral arguments for and against the Affordable Healthcare Act (AHA), House Republicans decided to waste both the American people's time and money to repeal that part of the AHA that would implement automatic cost-savings measures unless Congress intervened.
The House measure isn't expected to survive either the Senate or the President's veto pen.
The House Republicans claimed they were acting on behalf of the country's seniors, but buried in the repeal bill was a provision to impose a $250,000 cap on non economic damages and to limit the contingency fees lawyers can charge in medical malpractice cases.
Capping damages on non-frivolous lawsuits is no way to get a handle on the costs insurance companies incur from frivolous lawsuits - but it is a helluva good way to stick it to someone who has been legitimately done wrong by a doctor... twice. First, the actual medical malpractice the patient was subjected to, and secondly, capping just how much the malpractice victim can receive in compensation.
That's just dirty.
Obviously House Republicans were much more interested in coddling and protecting their Big Insurance industry buddies than helping out either Grandpa and Grandma.
The crowd erupted in cheers supporting the president but the man kept shouting. He wanted to give Mr. Obama a book.Elsewhere, the bigots over at North Carolina right-wing think-tank, The John Locke Society, thought it was better to let blogger and radio talk show host Tara Servatius resign then give in to pressure from liberal democrats and fire her.
With a grin on his face, Mr. Obama said he would be happy to read the book and added, "show me some courtesy."
Servatius had posted a story stating that President Obama stood against North Carolina's anti-Gay marriage amendment in order to boost his chances of winning North Carolina in November, which may or may not be true.
What is certain, however, is that John Locke was the brains behind the antebellum pro-slavery philosophy adopted by the Confederacy, and that along with the story posted by Servatius was an image of the president’s face Photoshopped onto a black man wearing high heels and chains.
Between the man's legs is a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken.
And the racists over on the right wonder why they keep on getting painted as bigots by everybody else.
Go figure.
While some Republicans are out there telling anyone interested that the GOP's "War on Women" is nothing more than political theatre, courtesy of election-year Democrats, some other Republicans are out there telling anyone interested that it is very, very real - and that the best thing women could do would be to contribute their money to democrats.
"I think these are very precarious times for women, it seems," said New York Congressman Richard Hanna, the only Republican to speak at a rally for the Equal Rights Amendment.
Huffington Post reports the man then said, "Contribute your money to people who speak out on your behalf, because the other side -- my side -- has a lot of it. And you need to send your own message. You need to remind people that you vote, you matter, and that they can't succeed without your help."
Hanna is either attempting to steer the GOP back to the middle on women's issues as he suggests, or he's prematurely ending his career as a Republican.
We should all expect the GOP's purists to demand Hanna's head on a platter any day now.
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